Saturday, January 24, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Embossed Moms
The second sock took only a matter of days. It's amazing how quick they are to knit when you really get into the pattern.
Yarn: Lornas Laces Shepherd Sock in Periwinkle (my mom loves this colour).
A close up of the pattern. This is one of the prettiest sock patterns I've ever seen.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Gabriella's Yarn Shop
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Anyone feeling the winter chill?
As we sit here watching the Golden Globes, I'm thinking about all the really great movies I've seen recently.
Just after Christmas it was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. After which I cried (like a freaking baby) for half an hour. Possible my new favourite film ever, knocking Shallow Hal off the top spot. Hmm, maybe I need categories.
Friday night we saw Marley and Me. My husband who, to put it mildly, is NOT an animal person, cried. For a dog! When we got home we googled hypoallergenic cats and dogs. Maybe Matt and I have hope after all :0)
Last night, I saw Doubt. I had no doubt, but those last 10 seconds sure were interesting.
Last weekend, the boys and I saw the Tale of Desperaux. Matt was enthralled with the mouse with the ears. What a cute movie. You wouldn't believe the amount of people who come into Barnes & Noble asking for a desperaux toy!
Other movies I'd really like to see include Valkyrie, Gran Torino, The Reader and I can't wait for Revolutionary Road to come out. So many movies so little time.
Hope y'all had a great weekend :0)
Friday, January 9, 2009
"Disco" - friend to the stars
That's all thanks to Irishgirlie's recent fundraiser, I'm sure - I got a thank you email today too :0)
And Irishgirlie will remember well, how I greeted Vickie Howell last year at Stitches, as though we'd been friends since Kindergarten!!! What a goof. Thank God that poor woman is so calm and cool - she obviously gets it all the time as she really didn't bat an eyelid.
Can I help it if I get knitting-star struck? I was even a bit giddy when I went to Charlotte Yarn to meet Turtlegirl last year (or was it the year before?).
I promised you knitting in this 'episode' and boy do I have major knitting news. Or maybe I should call it fiber news.
A new LYS opened 'near' to me. It's about a 20-25 min drive, so not exactly on my street corner. But only a 5-10 min drive from Matt's pre-school, so in a way, it's very local :0) It's a bit tucked away, on the side of, kind of an industrial looking building. And it's tiny. And cute. And has gorgeous yarns.
Did you see Turtlegirl's crayon yarn post today? They have that sock yarn. In muted greens that were just screaming to me the other day when I was there.
Why was I there? Well, apart from fondling the squishy goodness of their malabrigo, and inhaling the scent of the softest cashmere, I was teaching a class.
If one person counts as a class. And it wasn't so much a class as a project helpdesk. But it was fun. And my client booked me again, same time next week. Suhweet!!! Also, Gabriella, the owner, asked me to teach a sock knitting class. ME!!! I'm psyched.
Maybe next time I'm there, I'll remember to take my camera out of my bag, take some pics and post them on the here with more details. Until then, let me just.....
Segue back to my 'friend to the stars' theme. I worked at B&N a bit over the Christmas holiday. I just tried to type out the details, but bored myself, so, to cut a long story short, I wrapped the gifts of designer Kristin Omdahl.
She lives locally and has just had a book published by Interweave Press called, Wrapped in Crochet (I'd put a link in, but my right mouse clicker isn't working and I don't know how to copy and paste without it! and amazon's links are forever long). What a very nice lady she is I must say. She's teaching a crochet class at Gabriella's later this month and you know how I love to crochet. So I'm taking the class, making the scarf.
Last but not least, a random famous person snippet. The two most famous people from South Shields, the town where I grew up:
Literary icon - Catherine Cookson
Film Director - Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Gladiator, etc)
I'm off to finish the last side of the border on the Noro blanket now. Oh garter stitch, how I love thee :0)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
It's a Blue Moon Birthday Bonanza
When the new colours came out a few months ago, there were so many I liked. Well, all of them really. But reading the stash enhancement thread on the Socks That Rawk group over on Ravelry, one in particular kept jumping out at me.
Here it is. Treehugger. I love the mix of greens, browns and red. Now it's actually in my hands I'm not disappointed at all - I just LOVE it.
And Irishgirlie's pink yarn fumes have gotten to me finally. I also ordered the beautiful Oma Desala. Pinks of every hue.
Finally, I've wanted sock blockers for the longest time. They were first on my purchase list this time. Here's the full package. Not as large as some others' Blue Moon orders, but perfectly proportioned for me.
I really like the Leyburn socks that, it seems like, everyone is knitting right now. I think I'd like to make them with the treehugger. The little crossover stitches seem to really highlight the different colours in the yarn.
Oh yes, I still knit. Although I haven't posted pics in ages, there's been a good amount going on. I hope to have some knitting news in my next post actually.
Until then, I bid you good night :0)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy Happy (birthday) Me :0)
Yarny goodness
Socks That Rock, Rare Gem. Love the ginger colour, with a teensy bit of green and peach.
And gorgeous Mmmmmmmmalabrigo Silky Merino. Now what to make with this......
P'raps a hat and mittens? Oh look, the perfect pattern for both :0) I'm going to be toasty in Charlotte next winter :0) :0) :0)
Last night, we had some friends over for dinner. Lots of fun and laughter, great food, really good wine. A great kick-off to the weekend and the New Year.
:0) Disco