Thanks to all for your kind compliments on my Shurtagals, they really are a pretty sock, right.
And so, to end any confusion. We are in Fort Mill, South Carolina. It is about spitting distance from Charlotte, North Carolina. Both towns being close to the borders of their respective states.
We rented a house in a master planned community which has its own 'high street' (or market street, if you like ;0) ) with a bunch of shops and restaurants on it; along with a YMCA which we live across the street from, literally; a 'British' pub (yay), a community center with pool and playgrounds; and all sorts of entertainment for our delight and delectation.
This past Saturday evening was 'music in the park'. They had a Beatles cover band playing from 7-10pm. It was SO much fun, we all had a blast. The boys were up and dancing almost from the start.

As chance would have it, for the past few months we've been listening to the Sjt Pepper CD in the car. I'm trying to give the boys a musical education beyond whatever is being played on the radio right now. We've started with Sjt Pepper, Abba Gold and Janis Joplin. They like it all I'm pleased to say. I have a Bob Dylan CD to be added to the mix anytime soon.
I have tried to sing Yellow Submarine to them before, but I'm not much of a singer. So it was totally cool when the band asked all the kids to join them on 'stage' to sing it. My boys, I'm proud to say, were first in line at the mic.

Here's a shot looking down the 'village green' to show it was busier than the previous pics made it look. And to the right, can you see the huge slidey bounce house too.

It was an absolutely brilliant evening and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. The boys lasted til almost 9.30, when Dad had to go get the car - yes, you could drive right up the side of the green to pick up - amazing.
And one thing I REALLY loved about the event? FREE. Yes, no money. The HOA organises it all. Well I guess we pay the HOA via our rent, but it feels free, so please don't rain on my parade ;0) The Carolinas are looking better and better.
And you know what else is looking better and better?
Matt's muscles. He's been taking part in kids fitness classes at the YMCA. They call the classes 'wee fit'. Too funny. Both boys are loving it. And it's great for me too - I get to work out while they do.
Happy Monday :0)