Aaaw, and see his gappy smile? He lost his first tooth earlier in the week. HUGE excitement for him, officially a big boy!
Our beautiful snowy home, before we used all the snow for snowballs/snowmen.
No, this next picture isn't my report of Britain's current foul weather. It's our community's very own fake British Pub, with genuine imported telephone booth. See, there has to be at least an inch of snow on the ground. Be still my beating heart.
And across the street, the Christmas tree in the park. Looking very Christmasy, I must say.
And an artsy shot of berries on a bush. The snow looks like candy floss.
We had a fabulous Christmas yesterday. Both boys said it was their best Christmas ever (I'd have to agree with them). I'd like to think that was because we had a very quiet one, staying home all day, playing, eating and enjoying each other's company. In reality it may have been all the Lego and wii games Santa brought. And then snow!!!

I hope that everyone has had as wonderful a holiday as we have here. Wrap up warm!
xo Disco ox
>> our community's very own fake British Pub
LOL - we have one of those right around the corner from us as well, complete with phone box as well. Probably the only real pay phone around for miles!
PS - love the monkey hat!
Thanks for the hat link! Need some easy knit hats for the Sailor project.
Love the monkey hat, too cute! We stayed home and it was great too :)
That's pretty cool having a fake British pub isn't it...sorta makes you homesick though huh...
Ha ha! Love that sock monkey hat! And I feel your pain, I've got big headed boys too.
Nice snow!
I can't believe I missed it! Actually, I'm glad I did, if I left to come home any earlier, I'd have gotten caught up in all the flight cancellation madness. By Wednesday everything should be fine I imagine.
Oh, and if I read right, kids heads are pretty much the size of an adult head by the time they reach 4 or 5 years old. So their heads are probably pretty normal actually.
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