Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy happy joy joy

Isn't it nice to read what others are thankful for sometimes? Gives you a little boost when you're not feeling at your best. Today's another grey day in the Fort, but I have plenty to be grateful for myself. Just a few......

1. This morning was Matthew's "field day" at school. I got to be 'chaperone' and walk the class from event to event. He's such a hugger that boy, and always wanting to hold my hand. Every day, I'm grateful for his smiling face.

2. Making my own home decorations. This set will soon be up on my living room wall.
3. My mother is coming to visit at Christmas.

4. Mother's Day flowers, still looking pretty.
5. Packages of pretty things in the mailbox.

6. Baby girl knitting. Not for me :0)7. Being a stay-at-home-mom. This hasn't always been easy for me, but right now I love being able to drop off and pick up my boys from school, help them with their homework, ferry them to activities and have spur-of-the-moment playdates. This is one of my biggest and most treasured blessings.

8. My awesomely crafty boys, who love to try anything from drawing and sewing, to making marble magnets and Andy Warhol-esque paint prints. Their creations are precious.
9. My new house. Containing only my family's dirt ;0)

10. My husband, who puts up with a lot of crap, without much complaining. And who also engaged a client this week. Yay for food on the table and craft supplies in the closets.
11. Friday

Disco xoxo


IrishGirlieKnits said...

I absolutely love love love that wedding day photo!! THanks for sharing!! Love your list! Especially your new home decorations!

tapmouse said...

Hey, Disco! LOVE the embroidery! Tried out a free blog program, so no photos and no links. Asked for recommendations for blog apps but not replies. May just upgrade to the full version for $1.99 and see if I like it. At least I'll be able to load pics, though not sure about links. It was only rated 2.5 stars, so was hoping to get input on better apps. Will keep you posted!