Who's going to turn down a ready-made kit (if a kit can ever be ready made, that is)? So here we have one of their summer projects. My little Einsteins.....
On the way into Joann's, there was a huge sign saying they needed X, Y and Z teachers. One of the teachers needed was for knitting classes. It's been a few months since I jacked in the noble Booksellers and I've kind of been missing a little working challenge in my life since then, so I decided to apply.
I completed an application, brought in some samples of my work, which they loved, and the education co-ordinator put me on their roster starting mid-June.
Gasp! I'm going to be a knitting teacher. I'm really excited about it, but also nervous. I don't really like talking in group settings. But I DO love knitting and I want others to learn about what I love, so I'm just going to take the plunge. Oh, crikey, what have I done. I know, I know. I just have to get over myself and get on with it.
Other job news. Or more like training news. In September, when both boys will be in school for decent amounts of time, I'm going to take an H&R Block tax training course. Yes, I shall be a bean-counter once more. I girl's gotta make a buck, right. And we don't want the years I spent training in the UK to go to waste, huh.
So, I leave you on that note and (im)patiently wait for Tommy to get back home with the boys and my Friday night wine. Chin-chin, old chaps, here's to the weekend. Bottoms up!
But, but, how did the 'pillars get in? It looks like you have a screened off area. Oh rest in peace pot garden, rest in peace!
Congrats on the teaching gig and bean counting!
It must be that humidity?! I remember Tricia had the hardest time growing anything in when she lived in Biloxi. Keep trying though :)
Yay for teaching!! How awesome! Plus, does that include a Joann's discount!! I love those science kits too :)
Happy weekend :)
Joann's is lucky to have you! Congratulatios!
You will make a great teacher! My garden is having problems, too - of the slug variety ;(
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