I finished up the test knit for
Carrie's new pattern in a record week(ish). It blocked out beautifully as you can see here. It's all wavy and lacy.

I'd say this next pic was a much more accurate representation of the actual colour of the
Kollage Creamy yarn used. I'm always amazed at how washed out the camera makes the colour. I've taken to making a shadow across whatever I'm photographing outside, to make up for that.

Blowing in the breeze.
Laid out blocking. See the wavy edges too :0)

All in all, a quick and easy knit. Drapes like nobody's business and is soft as a newborn kitten's teeny pink paws. I can see it being worn on a balmy evening during your Caribbean Christmas cruise. Or bunched up round your neck, against November's chilling wind. Either way, you'll look pretty as a peach.
Thanks for letting me test-knit, Carrie :0)
I love love love it!! Seriously gorgeous Disco! And you're right, so damn drapey! Can't wait to knit one this size so I can wear it...where did you say,...on a Caribbean Christmas cruise? Done.
It's so pretty.
beautiful!!! pretty color.
Where do I find a pattern for this? I looked on ravelry and on Irish girl knits blog... but I couldnt find it.
ahhh found it !!! :D
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