Friday, March 1, 2013

March 5k a day: Day 1

I have slacked off running a LOT these past couple of months, making it out only once, sometimes twice a week.  And shorter distances too.  It's just too. darn. cold.  Even in my totally cute LuluLemon running jacket!

And icy.  I'm so afraid of twisting my ankle.

There is still a good bit of snow on the ground, but I feel warmer weather around the corner.  So I've set myself a training challenge - 5k a day for every day in March.  The distance is definitely runnable and I think I can bear 35 or so minutes in the cold.

Here's today's result:

Mile Time

You know those quotes/sayings you see on Pinterest all the time?  Inspiring, eh!  Well, one I like says something about "start something today that yourself in a year will thank you for".  Well, it has been around 18 months since I started running regularly, and I'm so grateful to myself for starting this journey.  It's going to take me places this year, I could hardly even imagine.  Exciting things are afoot.  So to speak.

And it's Friday!  
Have a great weekend.
Disco xoxo

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